Thursday, March 27, 2014


Maps to anywhere has proven to be a rather difficult read on the eyes due to small font size and a heavy contrast. out of the many wunderbar stories this piece of literature I have to turn my focus unto The End of Manners just a page before "the house of the future" section. On a separate note I despise the lack of page numbers in this book.

The End of Manners is a small one page, two paragraph piece of work but goes into great detail about its subject. Paragraph one describes a girl, a columnist named Emily Post, and details what she's wearing and what the environment she is in is like. The rain then comes crashing down.

The second paragraph describes a young boy half a continent away described as a rebel. the kid misbehaves and plays with his food, during the time of our window into his life he seems to be metaphorically lifting up into the air. These brief glimpses into these peoples lives pass on, and a reader can feel like they knew them yet didn't at all, an odd feeling of maybe maybe not.

"A house of cards will fall if any piece is removed." - Anon

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